A post I wrote last year. Very important in our current climate today.
To say we live in an age of rapid change would be an understatement, so I'm calling all 21st century pioneers to step-in. For obvious reasons.
All of us have experienced some level of fundamental change in the last 10 years. That change may have left you hurt, vulnerable or invigorated...depending on your outlook and circumstances. I know many people who are waiting for things to "get better" or "return to normal." The rapid pace of life and the aforementioned change has left them looking back to a day that seemed better. They long for some place in the past that may have only been great in their heads. Regardless, it seemed to be better than the world that currently faces. I understand this and have had moments when I have longed as well.
So after some time of being at war with yourself and the world, perspective comes knocking. Do you answer?
I am convinced that we are living in the age of the pioneer. A time not unlike the 19th century America. A time where much was wild, unknown and adventurous. I'm sure many in those days were filled with mixed emotions and thoughts. There had to be the nay-sayers, critics and saboteurs. There certainly were men and women of courage.
The following are the reasons why we need pioneers-in work and life:
- Untamed places need men and women of courage. These men and women have vision, energy and faith in what can be.
- Pioneers are forever facing criticism and doubt. This comes from seeing what others often can't or won't.
- Status quo people/organizations are a threat to breakthroughs. They will always exist, but should never rule the day.
- Not everyone is called/meant to be a pioneer. That said, everyone should hitch there wagon to leaders who are.
- The right type of pioneer is always into you and not what they can get from you. This is rare and vital.
- Technology and the applicable disruptions.
- The future is shaped by those who experiment and take risks, not those who bury theirs heads and pretend the storm will just pass over.
- The wrong type of pioneers want in on the future too. Beware.
Calling All 21st Century Pioneers.
Great post! There are so many pioneers in the world today. The world is ever changing. Now, more than ever, is a time when leaders are needed to pioneer the new innovations and changes that ocur everyday. We need people with strength and courage to stand up for what is right in principles and values. Thanks, Brandon
Posted by: Brandon Jones | Saturday, March 12, 2011 at 02:41 PM
Many thanks, Brandon. Glad you stopped by and got a lot out of this post.
Posted by: Epic Living | Sunday, March 13, 2011 at 09:20 PM
This is right that the experienced some level of fundamental change,in the past of the time,the things can be change and they are changing with the passage of the time,about the pioneers is great to read,and the details about the need pioneers in work and life,is absolutely true and mainly they are really useful.
Posted by: Dissertation Writing | Monday, March 14, 2011 at 04:36 AM
Many thanks for the comments. Hope it will bring out the pioneer in you.
Posted by: Epic Living | Monday, March 14, 2011 at 08:33 AM