This post was originally written in 2006, it was timely then and timely now. Is your organization paying attention?
I read today that Jeff Skilling of Enron fame wasn't in "it" for the money. He just wanted to build a solid business. I'm not here to judge him, but his comments are it relates to fear and greed.
Oh, how great it would be if every junior executive/manager got the workshop on fear and greed. It wouldn't guarantee total bliss, but it might reduce the wrecks. Sadly, corporations fail to talk about this due to their own addictions. You see fear and greed can be habit forming. They seem OK when you first taste, but leave behind ruined lives afterward.
If you're new to management or ownership, take some time to deal with the issues of fear and greed. No matter how well you think things are going. Your employees/subordinates will thank you for it.
Fear and Greed
This post was originally written in 2006, it was timely then and timely now. Is your organization paying attention?
I read today that Jeff Skilling of Enron fame wasn't in "it" for the money. He just wanted to build a solid business. I'm not here to judge him, but his comments are it relates to fear and greed.
Oh, how great it would be if every junior executive/manager got the workshop on fear and greed. It wouldn't guarantee total bliss, but it might reduce the wrecks. Sadly, corporations fail to talk about this due to their own addictions. You see fear and greed can be habit forming. They seem OK when you first taste, but leave behind ruined lives afterward.
If you're new to management or ownership, take some time to deal with the issues of fear and greed. No matter how well you think things are going. Your employees/subordinates will thank you for it.
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