Some key thoughts on well-being and the choices that connect:
Would you be willing to let work play a smaller role in your actions and thinking, if it meant you could devote more of you to your family?
Would you be willing to make less money, if it meant you would be better able to manage the stresses of life?
Would you be willing to spend less time on watching and following sports, if it meant you could use that time to volunteer in your community?
Would you be willing to change your diet, if it meant you could add 5 years to your life expectancy?
Would you be willing to take a class on communication, if it meant you would have a better relationship with your spouse or partner?
It comes down to your choices. Your life will, and does, reflect that.
There's always room for improvement, the same way change is the only constant thing in this world. Openness is the key here, becoming willing to do things beyond the box.
Posted by: HR Software | Sunday, October 09, 2011 at 11:32 PM
Thanks for tuning in! I love the idea of practice and deliberation. The two are good companions in making these kinds of trades.
Posted by: Epic Living | Monday, October 10, 2011 at 08:23 AM