This post will require you to forget the normal definitions and feelings about crime. My play on words for this post require the following context:
Misdemeanors will only create an insignificant interaction with legal authorities. You might even get off with a warning. In the end, your act was more of a blip or blur.
Felonies, on the other hand are serious actions and cause disrupption. Authorities will do all they can to see that something big happens. Proper attention is given and depending on seriousness of the action, in might create widespread interest.
I'm going to give you a compare and contrast illustration from a few areas of life to help:
- Money -A misdemeanor would be throwing a few dollars into a savings account every now and then. A felony would be creating a plan to get out of debt, that would map out small experiments/steps to accomplish the goal.
- Physical - A misdemeanor would be taking your dog for a walk in the warmer months, but not in the cooler seasons. A felony would be creating a plan to get your heart rate up to 70% max, that includes small experiments/steps around biking.
- Social - A misdemeanor would be saying hello to a neighbor when you see them in the morning or afternoon. A felony would be creating a plan to introduce yourself to someone you've never met in 3 areas of your company, that would incorporate small experiments/steps of networking with a manager or co-worker.
The big take-away is, blips and blurrs are forgotten and lead to a wasted life. On the other hand, serious actions and disrupptions are remembered and lead to a life well-lived. Which do you prefer?
I wish I could say, "I'm Gellin' like a felon." But I have some work to do here. Got a lot of class 3 misdemeanors that could have the indictment amended with a little work.
Great post Eric, enjoyed the analogy.
Jon Hanson
My new song about "perspective" called Both Ends:
Posted by: | Monday, August 15, 2011 at 10:03 AM
Anyone would surely prefer a better and straightforward kind of lifestyle. But if such senseless laws are existing, I don't think anyone will have a worry-free life.
Posted by: tampa felony lawyer | Thursday, November 24, 2011 at 11:17 PM
Whatever the case, just make it matter. Thanks for stopping by.
Posted by: Epic Living | Monday, November 28, 2011 at 05:52 AM