Please view the above video, it provides a necessary context for this post. You may not be a fan of Peter Cetera or Chicago, but hopefully you can appreciate what goes into the making of art and craft.
I love this song and have for many years. The version in the video clip captures an artist who owns the work. Unmistakable, how Mr. Cetera delivers something he birthed in 1976. I imagine he had some say in how the song would be arranged and performed. I imagine he had some say in who would perform the work of art as well. You have a lot of power when a gift is in your hands.
After I found this clip, and listened to it a number of times, I couldn't help but see the similarities in the form of a life living and lived. It gave me urgency around living out my Epic Life. It made me stand back in awe of what the gift of life means...what it implies for all of us. Do you know that your life is unfolding before your very eyes? Do you understand that this is happening whether you choose to participate or not?
I want my life to be as beautiful and brilliant (like the sun) as the sound of a symphony. Every instrument coming together to be somehting that could never be accomplished alone. To be a voice that, if even faint, would be missed inside of something so beautiful.
I want the above for you as well. My mission, my movement is to help you craft an Epic Life.
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