I've been an iPhone user for almost a year. I currently using the iPhone 4. The device has made a positive impact on my work and personal life.
The following is a list of the apps I like most:
- YouVersion - My Bible app of choice. Very functional and user-focused.
- TweetDeck - Great for my updates on Twitter and Facebook. Everything is right before your eyes.
- Facebook - Allows me to stay connected to my Facebook account wherever I am.
- Milebug - Great app for keeping track of all of those business miles.
- Gist - A tool that consolidates news from the people I follow on various social networks.
- CNBC - All the financial news and information I need. Bloomberg is good too.
- Entrepreneur - The app from Entrepreneur Magazine. Great to have access to interesting articles when I'm not in front of my notebook computer.
- Cor.Kz - This app keeps track of the wines I love and has a great database for search needs.
- Nutrition Menu - An app for keeping track of what I eat and the nutritional value.
- Nke+ GPS - A great tool for my running. Keeps me informed on my time, distance and the routes I take.
- iFitness - An app that has helped my fitness plan in spades. A very interactive app.
- ESPN ScoreCenter - This app lets me stay updated on the scores and stats of the teams I follow.
- Pandora - A good app that has help me find music that I had forgotten.
I'm sure I could list more, but these are the ones that stand out. By the way, the phone calling is much improved over the 3Gs version.
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